Antispam is a small perl program that replaces all email addresses that can
be found on a website by an image with the same information. This way it
hides the information for spammers.
For using the program it is necessary to install perl and the Image::Magick-module
from cpan.
If the script is called with an html-file as parameter it automatically creates
one image for every mail-address. This image is placed on the webpage instead
of the address so that a spammer can't access this information.
To avoid useless memory consumption the realation between email-address and
image is stored so that every image is created only once.
Before using the program you have to adapt the path in which the images
should be stored (line 24) and the database-file in which the realation
between image and email is stored (line 23).
Then you can use the program by typing ./ index.html on the
The progam can be used and distrubted under the terms of the
GNU Public Licence (GPL) and can be downloaded here: