Back from the island
Last week we decided to take a break of about one week. During the last weeks a lot of things changed
and we tried to escape from all the stress to the island La Palma - because of qualification periods
and similar stuff the last holidays for the next six months.
If you own a password for the private area, you can access the (german) holiday-blog
here. If you are curious about our experiences on La Palma but
don't possess a password, you can request one here.
I would like to thank all those poeple who gave me a positive feedback in the last months.
I received a lot of mails about my biological texts,
but also about Tim, the bird and many other areas.
One of my pictures, the crocodile will be published in a german
magazine. ... I'm always glad to hear from the readers of my page and would like to encourage
you to use the feedback-link...
And there is a new version of my Trading-Journal-Software online.